Friday, December 27, 2019
Ovids Account of Aphrodite and Adonis
The love goddess of the Greeks, Aphrodite, usually made other people fall in love (or lust, more often than not), but sometimes she, too, was smitten. In this story of Adonis and Aphrodite, which comes from the tenth book of, the Roman poet Ovid summarizes Aphrodites ill-fated love affair with Adonis. Aphrodite fell in love with lots of males. The hunter Adonis was one of these. It was his good looks that attracted the goddess and now the very name Adonis is synonymous with male beauty. Ovid says that by Aphrodites falling in love with him, the mortal Adonis avenged the incest between his parent Myrrha and her father Cinyras and then he caused Aphrodite intolerable grief when he was killed. The original act of incest was provoked by unquenchable lust caused by Aphrodite. Note the geographic locations of cult sites that Aphrodite is accused of neglecting: Paphos, Cythera, Cnidos, and Amathus. Also, note the detail of Aphrodite flying with swans. Since this is part of the work on physical transformations by Ovid, the dead Adonis is turned into something else, a flower. Also worth noting: Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite V. This hymn tells the story of Aphrodites love affair with the mortal Anchises.Aspects of Venus (Aphrodite) Ovids Story The following is Arthur Goldings translation from 1922 of the section of the tenth book of Ovids Metamorphoses on the love story of Adonis and Aphrodite: That son of sister and grandfather, whowas lately hidden in his parent tree,just lately born, a lovely baby boyis now a youth, now man more beautiful825 than during growth. He wins the love of Venusand so avenges his own mothers passion.For while the goddess son with quiver heldon the shoulder, once was kissing his loved mother,it chanced unwittingly he grazed her breast830 with a projecting arrow. Instantlythe wounded goddess pushed her son away;but the scratch had pierced her deeper than she thoughtand even Venus was at first deceived.Delighted with the beauty of the youth,835 she does not think of her Cytherian shoresand does not care for Paphos, which is girtby the deep sea, nor Cnidos, haunts of fish,nor Amathus far-famed for precious ores.Venus, neglecting heaven, prefers Adonis840 to heaven, and so she holds close to his waysas his companion, and forgets to restat noon-day in the shade, neglecting the careof her sweet beauty. She goes through the woods,and over mountain ridges and wild fields,845 rocky and thorn-set, bare to her white kneesafter Dianas manner. And she cheersthe hounds, intent to hunt for harmless prey,such as the leaping hare, or the wild stag,high-crowned with branching antlers, or the doe.--850 she keeps away from fierce wild boars, awayfrom ravenous wolves; and she avoids the bearsof frightful claws, and lions glutted withthe blood of slaughtered cattle.She warns you,855 Adonis, to beware and fear them. If her fearsfor you were only heeded! Oh be brave,she says, against those timid animalswhich fly from you; but courage is not safeagainst the bold. Dear boy, do not be rash,860 do not attack the wild beasts which are armedby nature, lest your glory may cost megreat sorrow. Neither youth nor beauty northe deeds which have moved Venus have effecton lions, bristling boars, and on the eyes865 and tempers of wild beasts. Boars have the forceof lightning in their curved tusks, and the rageof tawny lions is unlimited.I fear and hate them all. When he inquires870 the reason, she says: I will tell it; youwill be surprised to learn the bad resultcaused by an ancient crime. -- But I am wearywith unaccustomed toil; and see! a poplarconvenient offers a delightful shade875 and this lawn gives a good couch. Let us restourselves here on the grass. So saying, shereclined upon the turf and, pillowingher head against his breast and mingling kisseswith her words, she told him the following tale: Story of Atalanta My dear Adonis keep away from allsuch savage animals; avoid all thosewhich do not turn their fearful backs in flightbut offer their bold breasts to your attack,1115 lest courage should be fatal to us both.Indeed she warned him. -- Harnessing her swans,she traveled swiftly through the yielding air;but his rash courage would not heed the advice.By chance his dogs, which followed a sure track,1120 aroused a wild boar from his hiding place;and, as he rushed out from his forest lair,Adonis pierced him with a glancing stroke.Infuriate, the fierce boars curved snoutfirst struck the spear-shaft from his bleeding side;1125 and, while the trembling youth was seeking whereto find a safe retreat, the savage beastraced after him, until at last, he sankhis deadly tusk deep in Adonis groin;and stretched him dying on the yellow sand.1130 And now sweet Aphrodite, borne through airin her light chariot, had not yet arrivedat Cyprus, on the wings of her white swans.Afar she recognized his dying groans,a nd turned her white birds towards the sound. And when1135 down looking from the lofty sky, she sawhim nearly dead, his body bathed in blood,she leaped down--tore her garment--tore her hair --and beat her bosom with distracted hands.And blaming Fate said, But not everything1140 is at the mercy of your cruel power.My sorrow for Adonis will remain,enduring as a lasting monument.Each passing year the memory of his deathshall cause an imitation of my grief.1145 Your blood, Adonis, will become a flowerperennial. Was it not allowed to youPersephone, to transform Menthes limbsinto sweet fragrant mint? And can this changeof my loved hero be denied to me?1150 Her grief declared, she sprinkled his blood withsweet-smelling nectar, and his blood as soonas touched by it began to effervesce,just as transparent bubbles always risein rainy weather. Nor was there a pause1155 more than an hour, when from Adonis, blood,exactly of its color, a loved flowersprang up, such as pomegranates give to us,small trees which later hide their seeds beneatha tough rind. But the joy it gives to man1160 is short-lived, for the winds which give the flowerits name, Anemone, shake it right down,because its slender hold, always so weak,lets it fall to the ground from its frail stem.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
President John F. Kennedy - 1738 Words
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Our Nation’s 35th President Andrew Hogenson History 112 June 15, 2015 John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the USA and served at that position only for three years as at the end of the third year he was assassinated in Texas. Even though his presidential term was not long, it was significant, mostly with the strong opposition against the USSR (in a person of its Prime Minister of that time, Nikita Khrushchev). President Kennedy’s name is associated with the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall. Also, initiating the Project Apollo, establishment of the Peace Corps, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and of course he was successful in preventing the Nuclear War during the Cuban Missile Crisis. From my point of view, although the 35th President of the US made many mistakes, he was successful in this position and left a significant track in the history of the USA. According to Kennedy’s biography, â€Å"despite his father s constant reprimands, young Kennedy was a poor student and a mischievous boy†. His father even wrote to John in attempt of encouraging the son: â€Å"If I did not really feel you had the goods I would be most charitable in my attitude toward your failings ... I am not expecting too much, and I will not be disappointed if you do not turn out to be a real genius, but I think you can be a really worthwhile citizen with good judgment and understanding†. However, young JohnShow MoreRelatedPresident John F. Kennedy1220 Words  | 5 PagesPresident John â€Å"Jack†Fitzgerald Kennedy was born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts to Rose Kennedy and Joseph P. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy, also known as JFK, had three brothers and five sisters. Young John, â€Å"Jack†as he was known by, attended a boarding school for boys in Connecticut. Here he was active in football, golf, tennis, and basketba ll. Once Jack graduated Choate in 1936, he entered Harvard. It was while he was studying at Harvard that he injured his back while playing football,Read MorePresident John F. Kennedy1608 Words  | 7 PagesEveryone has an opinion about the president. Whether they like the president or dislike the president, someone has an opinion. There are only a few good president in the history of America that people can actually say they liked and enjoyed where they lead this country. One of those few presidents was President John F. Kennedy. Elected in 1960 as the 35th president of the United States, Kennedy became the youngest and first Roman Catholic president. He won the hearts of many Americans with his youthfulnessRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy975 Words  | 4 PagesIn the words of President John F. Kennedy,†Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future†. (John F. Kennedy) JFK was a president during a tense t ime in American History. The Civil Rights movement during the 1960’s questioned the status quo. This motivated change that influences many decisions we have today. The relevancy of truth and what is certain ascertains our duty as a citizen of the United States. As a citizen, it is our job to discernRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy1675 Words  | 7 Pagesgo to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.†(Great Speeches Volume 27: John F. Kennedy, 2012). President John F. Kennedy delivered this infamous speech in the football stadium at Rice University in Houston, Texas on that very day. President Kennedy’s reason for his delivery of this speech was to address the state of our Nation’s Space Effort. The citizens of the United States of America were in quite a stateRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy1746 Words  | 7 PagesWhen a president is able to effectively us e the power of rhetoric to move citizens to aspire to achieve the seemingly impossible, this president is able to transcend the limitations of the executive office itself. President John F Kennedy was masterful at this skill and the words he spoke and the dreams he invited us to share are as powerful today as they ever were. Our cultural memory of John F. Kennedy was shaped within a very narrow time frame. Kennedy, born in 1917, was only forty-six yearsRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy911 Words  | 4 Pages There are many theories on what happened on November 22, 1963. A president was assassinated while campaigning for re-election. Many people are skeptical about what happened and many theories have been formed. Though there is only one right answer to what really happened on this somber Friday, many people have formed their own beliefs. One theory is that there was more than one shooter. What, as close as can be collected from the existing reports, are the circumstances sur rounding JFK s death toRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy968 Words  | 4 Pages On January 20, 1961, President John F. Kennedy was sworn into office and made one of the most famous inaugural addresses in our country’s history. In his inaugural address, Kennedy spoke of the United States making some sort change in the world. Kennedy not only called upon Americans, but also others from different nations asking for their support in joining in peace for mankind’s success. Kennedy encouraged citizens to defend their freedom and presented his ideals for presidency for a time of changeRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy1126 Words  | 5 Pages You know when you say something important or say you will make a change in life for the better, but sometimes you can’t follow through? Well with president John F. Kennedy he inspired much to people with all his speeches but never had the opportunity to follow through when he died so early. With Kennedy,they state that he was more talk than action. He traveled crazy with his wife to make his speeches for people to re-elect him because all the good things he could change in the U.S. He inspiredRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy883 Words  | 4 PagesToday was the day, today November 22, 1963 was the day I was going to meet my all-time favorite presidents John Fitzgerald Kennedy, better known by his initials, JFK. He was travelling west through the country speaking in nine different states, which include San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth and then onto Dallas and Austin, he was preparing for his next presidential campaign and his trip was mainly about natural resources and conservation efforts but it was also in a way to support his reelectionRead MoreLife Of A President : John F. Kennedy2290 Words  | 10 Pagest he life of a president: John Fitzgerald Kennedy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was more than just a Google search. He had a wife, Jacqueline (Jackie) Kennedy, and two children Caroline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, Jr. The Kennedys faced trouble when it came to having children not once, but twice. In 1956, Jackie gave birth to a stillborn baby girl they had planned on naming Arabella (Klein). Caroline Bouvier Kennedy was born November 27, 1957. On August 7, 1963, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy was brought into
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Challenges Of Reliable Information Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Challenges Of Reliable Information. Answer: Introduction In the modern era of globalization, expansion and acquisition has become an important aspect of any organization. This is because, the completion in the business environment is extremely intense and the company needs to see to it that it is able to abide by the competition for its survival. This is the reason why various companies, often look out for opportunities to invest in the emerging markets (Van den Nieuwboer, Van de Burgwal Claassen, 2016). The chosen emerging market for the report is Indonesia. Emerging markets have a huge potential to become the future economies and this makes them even more attractive to various international firms. However, expansion requires relevant reliable market information to access the feasibility for the expansion and for this reason various companies carry out research into the given countries (West, Ford Ibrahim, 2015). The given report will be analyzing three pitfalls which exist while researching reliable market information in the emerging e conomies like that of Indonesia. Pitfall: Availability of valid secondary information Very often when a business wants to invest into an emerging country, they need to have access to the past business data available in the country. This provides them with an exposure to the past trend analysis and the performance of the country with reference to a particular industry (Sarstedt Mooi, 2014). The companies before entering a market, often like to conduct various strategic management tools and analysis like the PESTLE Analysis, SWOT Analysis, and BCG Matrix Analysis and related in order to figure out the feasibility of the expansion and the profitability that can be expected out of them (Hadiz Robison, 2013). In an emerging country like Indonesia, there exists various opportunities for growth. The reason behind this is that the income level of the people has been increasing at a consistent rate and the economy has been flourishing. However, there exists lack of relevant data available on various subjects like the: Growth of attractive industries in the past Accurate rise in the Income level and Population growth Detailed Taxation breakdown and analysis These decision making criterias count for the most relevant aspects of an international business. Hence, if a company planning to invest in Indonesia has no accurate access to the information, they will not be able to make sound decisions (McGivern, 2013). This may lead to incorrect decisions being made on the side of the company and create huge losses for them. Secondly, in certain local libraries there exist certain information available; however, this information is often inaccessible (Hair Jr Lukas, 2014). They are not easily available on the online open library platforms, which cause difficulties in utilizing them. Therefore, as stated earlier if there is lack of information in these arenas, a business will not be able to conduct a strategic analysis and might not enter the country from the failure of fear which then might pose a threat on the Indonesian economy as well. These following suggestions have been proposed to overcome this barrier: Hiring local teams- As the information available in the local countries are restricted and inaccessible; this makes it difficult to find them on the online open libraries. For this reason, the company interested in investing in Indonesia, might hire local researchers and scholars to carry out a study. These researchers and scholars can be hired because they have an acute knowledge and information about the local economic and feasibility conditions (McQuarrie, 2015). Visiting the country In order to verify the information that will be presented by the local team of researchers and scholars, a separate department can be formed by the company, who would then visit the country for a period of 2-4 weeks and verify this collected information. If they above given methods are applied then, the company would find it easier to overcome the risk. Poor infrastructure Although Indonesia and other emerging and developing countries are often considered to be the most attractive markets to explore and to invest in, the investors often forget that these countries are still on their initial phase towards economic development and that it is necessary for the firms investing to understand that the infrastructure is yet not well developed (, 2018). The infrastructure forms the basis for any organizational research perspective. For the research to be conducted about the given country and to figure out any relevant factors that have a huge impact on the performance of the business, the access to communication facilities such as internet, tele communications, computers, fax and postal services. On top of that the availability of adequate electricity is one of the major requisites of carrying out effective research in the given country. For the given barriers, obtaining the reliable market information about the given markets becomes increasingly difficult. This is because the country lacks relevant resources required for an effective market research. Details about the factories that need to be developed and the area where the business will be operating can also be analyzed (Armstrong et al., 2015). However as many areas if Indonesia another EDME countries do not even have access to proper infrastructure or electricity, obtaining relevant market information can become increasingly difficult for the business organization. For instance, if a business has to develop information about the property rates in Indonesia, then it will not be able to do so due to lack of information on the internet available due to restricted infrastructure. Therefore, infrastructure is believed to be one of the most relevant criterias in a business market research. To improve in this dimension, the business organization can do the following: It can get into a contractual relationship with a local research and development team present in various universities in these countries. The students often need to make a thesis report before they can get their degrees and for this reason they can be collaborated with and they will help the firm in developing a structured process with the help of which they can overcome the barrier. These scholars can be provided with adequate information and facilities from the firm`s side which will help them in their research. Research cost variations Market research information in the emerging and developing countries often becomes a costly affair for the firm. This means that when the company aims to obtain relevant reliable market information with respect to consumer market and most used products or related information then, they have to invest huge costs (West Bogers, 2014). This is because; the government of these countries often restricts the users to obtain access to this secret information. The government often demands high sums of money to have an access. Hence, it often becomes increasingly difficult for a firm, to obtain relevant data in this aspect or to break through the bureaucratic government hierarchy to obtain this information. Furthermore, there exists issues such as corruption and agent problems in the given countries which would then lead further cost escalation on the firm`s side. As these countries have huge urban and rural disparity, the rural areas situated near the cities are accessible easily, however those located far away from the urban areas will be difficult to access. Huge logistics costs will be involved in the given process which would then lead to problems for the firm. The firms generally looking out for international expansions have a well defined budget, and they need to function just on a basis of the given budget. These distances between the different parts of the country and lack of a systematic transportation medium may cause problems for the company and be an expensive affair (Burns, Bush Sinha, 2014). Therefore, due to the high costs of research and the related obstacles involved various companies give away the idea of conductingmarketing research with respect to the given countries. The ways in which these causes can be overcome has been provided below: Researching upon the previous work conducted- Very often certain scholars research upon information as to the related reliable market information that the company needs access to, therefore, instead of conducting the expensive marketing analysis available, the company can engage in the secondary analysis of this kind of information which would go a long way to help the firm to overcome all its barriers related to costs and to see to it that the market information is also obtained. Taking reference from similar countries to that of Indonesia- If relevant information related to Indonesia is not available for the market opportunities, then the firm can conduct a research on the companies whose economy is similar to that of the Indonesian economy and take calculated risks thereby assuming that, the various components of their economy shall match with that of Indonesia (Malhotra, Birks Wills, 2013). Hiring specialists- The Company may also hire specialists who would help them in conducting the research in exchange for internship opportunities in the firm or for some related fees. Conclusion Therefore, from the given analysis it can be stated that although the emerging and developing economies like Indonesia have a huge amount of potential to become the future advanced economies, however, the multinational companies cannot adequately conduct a market research before entering the country due to various barriers and obstacles related to availability of information. Certain pitfalls that the companies face refer to lack of reliable market information due to High cost variations, Lack of proper infrastructure and availability and accessibility to secondary information. The report has discussed various pitfalls and how the unavailability of the information to the firms might divert them from entering the market. Furthermore, the suggested ways to mitigate the pitfalls have also been provided. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015). Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Burns, A. C., Bush, R. F., Sinha, N. (2014).Marketing research(Vol. 7). Boston, MA, USA: Pearson. Hadiz, V. R., Robison, R. (2013). The political economy of oligarchy and the reorganization of power in Indonesia.Indonesia,96(1), 35-57. Hair Jr, J. F., Lukas, B. (2014).Marketing research(Vol. 2). McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Malhotra, N. K., Birks, D. F., Wills, P. (2013).Essentials of marketing research. Pearson. McGivern, Y. (2013).The practice of market research: an introduction. Pearson Higher Ed. McQuarrie, E. F. (2015).The market research toolbox: a concise guide for beginners. Sage Publications. Sarstedt, M., Mooi, E. (2014). A concise guide to market research.The Process, Data, and. Van den Nieuwboer, M., Van de Burgwal, L. H. M., Claassen, E. (2016). A quantitative key-opinion-leader analysis of innovation barriers in probiotic research and development: valorisation and improving the tech transfer cycle.PharmaNutrition,4(1), 9-18. (2018).Obstacles to Information Access and Use in Developing Countries, Akobundu Dike Ugah. Retrieved 24 March 2018, from West, D. C., Ford, J., Ibrahim, E. (2015).Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage. Oxford University Press, USA. West, J., Bogers, M. (2014). Leveraging external sources of innovation: a review of research on open innovation.Journal of Product Innovation Management,31(4), 814-831.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Separate Schooling for the Sexes from Kindergarten to University Level in Saudi Arabia
Summary Education is acknowledged to be the foundation of the socio-economic development of a nation. An effective educational system which yields high results is therefore seen as being essential for a nation’s well being. As such, having an effective education system is an objective of all governments.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Separate Schooling for the Sexes from Kindergarten to University Level in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper has begins by noting that modern Saudi Education was established in 1970 through the Education Policy Document. The various stages in the Saudi Education system are articulated as; pre-school, elementary school, secondary school and higher education institutes. The differences between boy and girl’s schools vary from level to level. In the secondary school level, the difference is that girls have fewer choices than boys who have choices fro m; vocation schools, military schools and the education ministry. The higher education institutes are the ones with the most differences. While more women are enrolled than men, some courses are limited to men and the educational facilities offered to men are superior to the women’s. Even so, changes have improved conditions for women and now they have access to most courses. The paper concludes by stating that while Saudi Arabia has an effective educational system, its success can be hampered if the male students in higher learning institutes continue to be favored at the expense of females. Introduction The educational system of a society is fundamental to the development and ultimate advancement of the entire community. Educators and governments all over the world have acknowledged that the educational structure and practices adopted can have a significant effect on the education of the population leading to significant impact on economic and social outcomes of their citiz ens. An effective educational system which yields high results is therefore seen as being essential for a nation’s well being. Most countries have developed varied educational systems which are as a result of the various cultural backgrounds or even religious orientations of the particular nations.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Saudi Arabia’s educational system is one of the education systems that exhibit profound differences in structure and governance from most western country educational systems. These differences are as a result of the religious and cultural realities of the country. A unique feature of Saudi Arabia’s education system is the separate schooling for the sexes from kindergarten to university level. This paper will argue that this separation on the basis of gender is one of the factors that have made Saudi Arabia’s education system so eff ective. The paper shall focus on the individual differences between the male and female schools. Structure and Governance Formal education in the Saudi Arabian Kingdom traces its roots to the 1930s when King Abdul Aziz started primary school programs in the Kingdom. Even so, the core foundation of the Saudi Education system is viewed to be the Education Policy Document issued in 1970 by the Saudi Council of Ministers. This policy aimed among other things to implement educational plans and programs that would be universally accessible to the members of Saudi Kingdom. Al-Khaldi (2007) states that the one of the core ambitions of the policy was to achieve education for all. The Saudi government is committed to the provision of education to its population. A study by Rugh (2002) reveals that as a general rule, primary education is free while secondary and higher education is highly subsidized by the government. A notable attribute of Saudi Arabia’s education system is that it is highly centralized in nature and the overall supervision is done by the Ministry of Education This ministry is also charged with the training and subsequent employment of the teaching staff. Saudi Arabia’s education has also become increasingly religious with the incorporation of religious teaching into the curricula. A study conducted in 2002 on education in Saudi Arabia revealed that â€Å"Islam is not only integral to Saudi education but also serves as the very essence of its curriculum†(Walsh, 2009, p.33).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Separate Schooling for the Sexes from Kindergarten to University Level in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Educational institutes are grouped into two: public sponsored and private. Both private and state-sponsored schools use the same textbooks hence ensuring uniformity. The government supervises the curricula of the private schools so as to ensu re uniformity and as a general rule, private schools can only â€Å"add to the government-approved curriculum, not subtract from it†(Rugh, 2002, p.45). Kindergarten Level The first stage of education in Saudi Arabia is the kindergarten level which caters for children below the age of six. This educational level is optional and parents may choose to home school their children. The schools at this level are under the Education ministry. Coed learning is permitted for pre-school age children and kindergartens therefore making this education level the only one where mixed learning is permitted in Saudi Arabia. The education policy of 1970 which is a foundation pillar for Saudi Arabia’s education system explicitly states that â€Å"Co-education is prohibited in all educational stages except in nurseries and kindergartens†(Al-Jawhara, 2008). Elementary school Elementary education which caters for pupils from the age of six through twelve is compulsory for all Saudis . Each school year in the elementary level consists of two semesters. Upon completion of this stage, pupils can move on to the intermediate schools which last for three years. Upon successful completion of this stage, the pupil can be enrolled to secondary school. Through grades 1 to 12, boy schools are supervised by the Ministry of Education. Up until 2002, girl’s schools through these grades were supervised by the General Presidency of Girls Education but the institute was abolished and its role taken up by the Ministry of Education. At the end of the Intermediate level, national examinations are undertaken and one must obtain the Intermediate School Certificate as a prerequisite to entering secondary education. Following this examination, the Education Ministry offers both boys and girls the chance to choose either a literary or scientific path for their secondary education. This choice has an impact on the career path of the individual since it determines the courses that one is eligible for in college.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondary Level A major difference between girls and boys schooling is exhibited when pupils are selecting the schools to join for secondary education. While the boys are presented with a myriad of options, girls are limited to a single choice of schools run by the Ministry of Education. Boys on the other hand may elect to attend schools operated by the Ministry of Education or those run by the Islamic University. In addition to this, Saudi boys can enroll in vocational and technical schools that are run by the General Organization for Technical Education and Vocational Training. Such institutes provide technical and commercial courses for boys whose careers are not aligned with the mainstream education courses. Also, boys can join schools run by the Ministry of Defense. These military schools enable the student to take on a military career in future. Another difference is in the selection of sporting facilities available to the students. Rugh (2002) reports that while boy schools a re exposed to a wide array of sports ranging from football to cricket, girls are highly restricted. However, this is not necessarily a negative thing since males are more rule-oriented and attracted to sporting activities while females on the other hand shy away from overly competitive activities. Moes (2005) reveals that stress and confrontation which motivates males to improve their performance has the opposite effect on girls. In addition to this, female students show great interest in other curriculum activities except sports as compared to male students (Hamdan, 2005). Higher Education Level There are numerous opportunities for higher education in Saudi Arabia and most students take advantage of this. Saud Arabia boasts of 109 university colleges in 11 universities that are supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education. There is also an excess of 141 colleges which offer courses ranging from teachers training to agriculture. As a result of separate schooling there are some cou rses that are only available to men. Women are always denied admission to the renowned King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran which only offers its courses to males. This slightly limits the opportunities for women since the course option that one has in higher education has some bearing to their success in the job market (Wiseman, et al., 2008). Even so, the other universities admit women and as such, women have equal opportunity with men to pursue higher education. Following recent reforms in the Saudi Arabian education policy by the Ministry of Education, women have been given access to courses such as mechanical and civil engineering which were previously only open to male students. While male students have a say over the classes they take up in university, females may not always have a choice. Guardianship laws which are strongly embedded in Saudi culture sometimes affect the education of women. In some universities, women are required to get guardianâ€℠¢s approval before they can resister for classes. Doumato (2009) states that this sometimes limits women from having the right to enroll in the programs of their choice. Mirza (2007) reveals that while female teachers are abundant at the elementary and secondary school levels, there is a shortage of teachers at the higher-level education. This shortage is as a result of the traditional Saudi society where the role of women was mostly limited to taking car of the home and raising the children. Men who were considered the breadwinners were more likely to seek higher education both in Saudi institutes and overseas. This situation has resulted to an adequate pool of male faculty members and a dire shortage of female ones. The proficiency of the teachers who teach the different genders is also different. These results in a significant difference in the quality of education provided to men and women. Studies indicate that over 34% of the men teaching at men universities hold doctorates as compared to a mere 3% of those who teach in women’s universities (Hamdan, 2005; AlMunajjed, 1997) A model approach for education delivery in higher education institutes in Saudi Arabia involves a distributed learning environment. A distributed learning environment is defined as â€Å"one where there is an integration between face-to-face instruction and online communication between faculty and students (Mirza, 2007; Dede, 1996). In this set up, female students have an online communication and very limited face to face interaction with their instructors while the male students benefit from face-to-face interaction. A study by Mirza (2007) revealed that female students felt a great desire for having face to face instructions from their tutors and as such, the online communication was detrimental to their learning experience. This is because not having the instructor in the same classroom resulted in the loss of concentration by the female students. A significant difference in male and female education is in the amount of money that the government and education institutes appropriate for male and female education. Hamdan (2005) documents that women’s education is appropriated only 18% of the share in higher education. In addition to this, the facilities that women are provided with are of inferior quality as compared to men. For example, Saudi women are denied access to many libraries affiliated with schools as well as public libraries. Women libraries on the other hand are poorly equipped and small. Discussion Education is acknowledged to be the foundation of the socio-economic development of a nation. As such, having an effective education system is an objective of all governments. The Saudi government has placed a strong emphasize on education and continuous to the most ardent supporter of the growth of the education sector. The differences exhibited between the male and female schools are in line with one of the general principles of the educa tional policy as articulated in 1978 by the Ministry of Higher Education. This is that â€Å"Women have the right to receive education that is suitable to their natural endowments and which would prepare them for their role in life†(Al-Khaldi, 2007). Men and women differ significantly and the approach in teaching them should take this into consideration. It is held that men and women’s brains operate differently and modern brain scanning technology has allowed scientists to demonstrate that â€Å"males use less of and specific areas of their brain while females tend to use both hemispheres for the same tasks†(Moes, 2005, p.5). Moes (2005) asserts that after nearly decades of conscientious social engineering, children still choose gender-specific toys and boys remain competitive while girls are cooperative. These revelations point to the inherent difference between boys and girls. Zahra (2001) goes as far as to propose a feminine theory of education which would ideally be rooted in transformative learning. However, separate schooling does present some setbacks. Most significantly, separate schooling results in differing in choices available to students based on gender. For example, after intermediate level school, males have a number of options which give them an advantage over the females. The online education that is imposed on women also places them at a disadvantage compared to men who have face to face interactions with their instructors. Even so, separate schooling yields the best for the sexes. Concerns about equity are grounds for the controversy that single sex schooling attracts. Moes (2005) reveals that this is not the case since separating boys and girls for schooling offers educators an opportunity to cater for the unique needs for the different genders. While some argue that separate schooling discriminates against women, Rugh (2002) reveals that the number of Saudi female college students has risen exponentially from a mere 100 in the mid 1960s to over 140,000 by 2002. Furthermore, for many women in Saudi Arabia, sex segregation is not synonymous with a lesser social status. Conclusion This paper set out to give an in depth analysis of the Saudi Arabian Education system with particular emphasis on the separate schooling system and the differences that arise as a result of this system. To this end, the paper has reviewed the structure of the Saudi system and the various attributes which influence the school system. From this paper, it is clear that religion plays a major role in the lives of Saudis. Considering the centrality of Islam in the Saudi Education, it stands to reason that the educational system should be in line with the religious tenets. It is also clear from this paper that the Saudi government places great significance on the education of its people. As a result of this, there has been significant progress made in increasing literacy for the population. This paper has demonstrated that Sa udi Arabia applies strict educational policies in accordance with the teachings of Islam. However, this paper has noted that the bias on male educational resources at the expense of females is retrogressive to what is otherwise an effective educational system. References Al-Jawhara, B. (2008). Woman in Saudi Arabia Cross – Cultural Views. Ghainaa Publications Al-Khaldi, S. (2007). Education Policies in the GCC States. Gulf Research Center. Doumato, E.A. (2009). Women’s rights in the Middle East and North Africa. Freedom House. Hamdan, A. (2005). â€Å"Women and education in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and achievements†. International Education Journal, 2005, 6(1), 42-64. Moes, M. (2005). American Muslim Schools and the Single-Sex Approach to Education. Gulf Research Center. Mirza, A. A. (2007). â€Å"Students’ Perceived Barriers to In-Class Participation in a Distributed and Gender-Segregated Educational Environment†. Proc ISECON 2007, v24 Rugh, A. W. (2002). â€Å"Education in Saudi Arabia: choices and constraints†. Middle east policy, VOL. IX, NO. 2. This essay on Separate Schooling for the Sexes from Kindergarten to University Level in Saudi Arabia was written and submitted by user Alissa P. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Henry Ford, Industrialist and Inventor
Biography of Henry Ford, Industrialist and Inventor Henry Ford was an American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and the sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. Fast Facts: Henry Ford Known For: American industrialist, founder of the Ford Motor Company.Born: July 30, 1863, Dearborn, Michigan.Parents: Mary Litogot Ahern Ford (1839–1876) and William Ford (1826- 1905) (m. April 21, 1861).Died: April 7, 1947, Dearborn, Michigan.Education: Scotch Settlement School in Dearborn to the 6th grade, apprentice in a machine shop, and general business studies at Bryant Stratton Business University in Detroit. Published Works: My Life and Work. Spouse: Clara Jane Bryant (m. 1888–1947).Children: Edsel (November 6, 1893–May 26, 1943). Early Life Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, one of eight and the oldest of five that survived to adulthood, of Mary Litogot Ahern and William Ford. William (1826–1905) was an Irish immigrant, born in Clonakilty in County Cork, who fled the Irish potato famine with two borrowed pounds and a set of carpentry tools. He settled in Detroit where a number of his uncles lived, and quickly accrued land. At three years of age, Mary Litogot Ahern (1839–1876) and her three brothers were orphaned; Mary was adopted by a couple named Margaret and Patrick Ahern. She and William married on April 21, 1861: Marys dowry included 90 acres and after they were married, their sizable farm totaled 250 acres. By the time Henry was born, they were among the most important and wealthy families in Dearborn. Education Henry was educated in two one-room schoolhouses, the Scottish Settlement School and the Miller School, finishing six grades. The building was eventually moved to Fords Greenfield village and opened to tourists. From his graduation in 1876 Henry worked on his fathers farm but after harvest 1878, he abruptly left, walking off without permission to Detroit where he stayed with his fathers sister Rebecca. He took a job at the streetcar manufacturer Michigan Car Company Works, but was fired after six days and had to return home. In 1879, William got Henry an apprenticeship at the James Flower and Brothers Machine shop in Detroit where he lasted 9 months, leaving for the Detroit Dry Dock Company, pioneers in iron ships and Bessemer steel. Neither job paid him enough to cover his rent, so he took a night job with a jeweler, cleaning and repairing watches. Henry Ford returned to the farm in 1882, where he operated a small portable steam threshing machine, the Westinghouse Agricultural Engine, for a neighbor. He was very good at it, and over the summers of 1883–1884, he was hired by the company to operate and repair engines made and sold in Michigan and northern Ohio. Marriage and Future Plans In December of 1885, Ford met Clara Jane Bryant (1866–1950) at a New Years Eve party and they married on April 11, 1888. Ford continued to work the farm- his father gave him an acreage- but his heart was in tinkering and and he clearly had business in mind. Over the winters of 1888-1890, Henry Ford enrolled in Goldsmith, Bryant Stratton Business University in Detroit, where he likely took penmanship, bookkeeping, mechanical drawing, and general business practices. By the early 1890s, Ford was convinced that he could construct a horseless carriage: but he didnt know enough about electricity, so in September 1891, he took a job with the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. After his first and only son Edsel was born on November 6, 1893, Ford was promoted to Chief Engineer. By 1896, Edison had built his first working horseless carriage, which he named a quadricyle. He sold it in order to finance work on an improved model- a delivery wagon. On April 17, 1897, Ford applied for a patent for a carburetor, and on August 5, 1899, the Detroit Automobile Company was formed. Ten days later, Ford quit the Edison Illuminating Company. And on January 12, 1900, the Detroit Automobile Company released the delivery wagon as its first commercial automobile, designed by Henry Ford. Ford Motors Ford incorporated the Ford Motor Company in 1903, proclaiming, I will build a car for the great multitude. In October 1908, he did so, the Model T- Ford numbered his models by the letters of the alphabet, although not all of them made it to manufacture. First priced at $950, over the Model Ts nineteen years of production, its price dipped as low as $280. Nearly 15,000,000 were sold in the United States alone. The Model T heralds the beginning of the Motor Age; Fords innovation was a car evolved from luxury item for the well-to-do to an essential form of transportation for the ordinary man, that that ordinary man could repair and maintain by himself Although contrary to some reports he didnt invent the assembly line, Ford did use it to revolutionize manufacturing processes in the United States. By 1914, his Highland Park, Michigan plant used innovative production techniques to turn out a complete chassis every 93 minutes. This was a stunning improvement over the earlier production time of 728 minutes. Using a constantly-moving assembly line, subdivision of labor, and careful coordination of operations, Ford realized huge gains in productivity, and personal wealth. In 1914, Ford began paying his employees five dollars a day, nearly doubling the wages offered by other manufacturers. He cut the workday from nine to eight hours in order to convert the factory to a three-shift workday. Fords mass-production techniques would eventually allow for the manufacture of a Model T every 24 seconds. His innovations made him an international celebrity. On May 27, 1927, production ended for the Ford Model T. Legacy and Death Ford was a shrewd businessman and very much of a showman, with a fairly thin skin. In 1919 he sued the Chicago Tribune for libel for writing an editorial in which the Tribune called him an anarchist and ignorant idealist. He wrote and rewrote his biography multiple times beginning in 1922, and he sponsored the restoration of an idyllic rural town called Greenfield Village which was built in part to act as a tourist destination celebrating his life and work. Yet, Ford continued to innovate. In 1932, Henry Ford introduced his last engineering triumph: his en block, or one piece, V-8 engine; and on January 13, 1942, he patented a plastic-bodied automobile- a car 30 percent lighter than metal cars. Fords affordable Model T irrevocably altered American society. As more Americans owned cars, urbanization patterns changed. The United States saw the growth of suburbia, the creation of a national highway system, and a population entranced with the possibility of going anywhere anytime. Ford witnessed many of these changes during his lifetime, all the while personally longing for the agrarian lifestyle of his youth. The last few years, Henry Ford visibly slowed down, and on April 7, 1947, he died in his home in Dearborn. Controversy There is unfortunately ample evidence that Ford was a bigot, whose writings include several statements referring to white supremacy. According to a recent article in Quartz, even though he hired black employees and paid them the same as white ones, he was concerned that they and his other workers would be infected by the evil of jazz music, so he suggested that square dancing could be put forward as an alternative place where white people could hang out. Sources Bryan, Ford R. Clara: Mrs. Henry Ford. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2013.Ford, Henry. My Life and Work. Fords memoir was published several times and with numerous editions, the book was first written, in association with Samuel Crowther, in 1922.Lewis, David L. The Public Image of Henry Ford: An American Folk Hero and His Company. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1976.Pennacchia, Robyn. America’s wholesome square dancing tradition is a tool of white supremacy. Quartz, December 12, 2017.Swigger, Jessica. History Is Bunk: Historical Memories at Henry Fords Greenfield Village. University of Texas, 2008.Wik, Reynold M. Henry Ford and Grass-roots America. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1973.Wood, John Cunningham and Michael C. Wood (eds). Henry Ford: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management, Volume 1. London: Routledge, 2003.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Real fashion marketing campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Real fashion marketing campaign - Essay Example The paper "Real fashion marketing campaign" concerns the success of the Nike company. Reebok and other rivals of Nike were getting the better of it in the late 1980s but after the Just Do It campaign everything changed significantly. The main idea of this campaign was to convince the consumers to accept sneakers as a fashion statement and that is precisely what they did. The new range of shoes became a fashion statement and almost everyone jumped on the bandwagon and the campaign became a huge success. A few years later Nike was quick to capitalize on the fitness and jogging craze, they rolled out merchandize which looked very attractive and sold like hot cakes. Aerobics was also gaining popularity and the top brass working for Nike was aware of it, the ad campaign never focused on the product, the sole focus was on the person wearing the merchandize and Nike recruited the best athletes to feature in their commercials. This was another reason for the mass popularity of the just do it campaign. â€Å"The â€Å"Just Do It†campaign received mixed ratings, ranging from â€Å"an instant classic†to â€Å"sociopathic.†One critic went so far as to say the ads were â€Å"an impatient bordering-on-contemptuous exhortation to the masses. Cool is one thing. Poverty of warmth is another.†Eventually the campaign was credited with embracing not just resolve and purpose, but also the â€Å"beauty, drama and moral uplift of sportâ€â€even, every now and then, fun.†Bo Jackson, John McEnroe, Michael Jordon were some of the athletes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Financial Theory and Corporate Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Financial Theory and Corporate Policy - Essay Example Similarly, 'economies of scope' is also varied in nature: Cost-based economies of scope, revenue-based economies of scope, and diversification-based economies of scope. Reduction in Expenses - A merger must result in adoption of new technologies, goals, strategies, and operational approaches in such a way that they cumulatively lead to cost reduction in delivering the services and thereby make the merged-entity more competitive in garnering increased sales and net margins. Enhanced Market Power and Reduced Earnings Volatility - It is obvious that the acquired business should either add to the market share of the company or create a fresh niche market of its own, so that volatility in earnings can be minimized and profitability is sustained. Earnings are sustained only when sales performance constantly improves and that is where mergers come handy in creating that extra "edge" over the competitors with the least loss of time. Smooth Privatization - The ongoing sovereigns' love for deregulation and privatization resulted in cross-border movement of capital mostly into developing economies for acquiring controlling interests in companies being privatized. Indeed, many developing countries could attract fresh capital and modern technology into their otherwise obsolete public sector businesses and make them competitive through cross-border mergers/acquisitions. Competency Buildup - In today's deregulated markets, "competency" of domestic businesses has become a must, to face the onslaught from multinationals. In this regard, mergers have come handy for consolidation and buildup of requisite "scale of economies" and "scale of scope", to maintain the revenue stream with least volatility (Houston 2001). Tax Gains- Mergers and acquisitions attract capital gains tax in the hands of the amalgamated company/acquired company on the sale of its assets and shares. However, the treatment of taxing capital gains is not the same globally. A few countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, tax capital gains on real estate or shares in real estate at special rates, while Hong Kong exempts capital gains. Indonesia and Thailand tax the capital gains arising on the sale of shares and other assets at the normal rates of tax. 2. What sort of problems commonly result in mergers failing to achieve all of the promised efficiency gains Failure to anticipate a problem before the problem actually arises - Managements may unwittingly administer a merger process hoping to reap synergy or they may initiate a disastrous step hoping to bring cultural fusion between the acquired and the acquirer. One common underlying reason behind these acts could be that the acquirer firm may have no experience of such problems and thus are not sensitized to such probabilities. It is only in the hindsight that the analyst could say today that merger of copper business was a mistake, unless one increased its production capacities, to enjoy operating leverage. There are umpteen reasons as to why companies may fail to anticipate problems: Failure to perceive the problem, when the problem does arrive - Once a merged unit faces unanticipated problems, the immediate requirement is to address the issues that became a hurdle for realization of anticipated benefits. But in reality, managements seldom perceive the problem that has actually face and reasons for the same could be many: One, the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Rdms phase4 db1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rdms phase4 db1 - Essay Example Now days, more and more companies are pulling away from the traditional Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and use Prototyping categorized as Rapid Application Development (RAD) methods (Hoffer, Prescott, & McFadden, 2007). In general, prototyping is a development approach in which requirements are quickly converted to a working system that is repeatedly analyzed and refined until the desired product is achieved. In case of database development process, prototyping allows installing and use of a database that is not complete yet has the majority of the functionality built-in. Prototyping is cursory attempt at conceptual data modeling and define database during development of initial prototype. After that initial prototype version is repeatedly implemented and used and maintenance activities are carried out so that new prototype versions become an efficient prototype or operational system (Hoffer, Prescott, & McFadden, 2007). Here, it is important that more time is given to test an d revise database design after initial prototype version is developed. The most important aspect of prototyping is that it facilitates effective communication between users and developers. Because of active participation of both users and developers, feedback for enhancement of the system is available after every prototype versions to developers from end users. The other advantages of prototyping are higher user satisfaction, reduction in development time and cost, and improved efficiency in
Friday, November 15, 2019
Effect Of Humor: Validating Racial Stereotypes
Effect Of Humor: Validating Racial Stereotypes The purpose of this research paper is to examine the effect of humor on validating racial stereotypes. Race-based comedy provides stereotypical misconceptions that influence the audience to accept these racial characteristics rather than denounce them. Racial stereotyping in comedy establishes the existence of racially defined differences, thus causing them to be regarded as natural while encouraging audiences to apply reality to myth. My primary sources are the first and second Rush Hour films, on which I will perform a close reading of how the two main characters, both of whom are minorities, interact with each other. The dialogue between these two characters incorporates many well-known racial stereotypes. My secondary sources include studies of Asians, blacks, and whites watching the films and their responses to the films jokes in the negative portrayals of their particular race. The movies fall into the buddy-cop action genre, which generally includes a white protagonist with a minority sidekick who frequently gets into trouble. However, Rush Hour is able to break from this convention and has the possibility to comment on the problematic aspects of stereotyping. With articles analyzing the dialogue between the characters as well as providing background history of blacks and Asians, comedy is able to disguise stereotypes and jokes that in other circumstances people would find offensive. Racial humor suggests that the Rush Hour series is able to gain acceptability from blacks, Asians, and whites because comedy is a form in which people will not take offense at racial exaggerations. Humor functions as rhetoric. It may not solve the problem of racial stereotyping but it provides the audience with the ability to look beyond the boundaries of race and come to understand how the triangulation of whites, blacks, and Asians allows for an infusion of identities. Annotated Bibliography Ma, Sheng-mei. Yellow King Fu and Black Jokes. Television New Media 1.2 (2000): 239-244. Sage Journals. Web. 17 January 2011. This scholarly article, written by Sheng-mei Ma professor at Michigan State University who specializes in Asian American studies and East-West comparative studies documents the start of the phenomenon of pairing an Asian martial artist with an African American comedian. Ma provides a historical context to movies such as the Rush Hour series, which combine yellow kung fu and black jokes (241). He begins by noting that the genre of kung fu was introduced to the West by Bruce Lee. Although there was no emphasis on black jokes in earlier kung fu films that starred Lee, The Last Dragon marks the development of racial depictions. In this film a young African American bows, meditates, and wears the stereotypical Chinese dress (240). The Asian Americans, on the other hand, take on black dialect and body rhythm (240). Ma considers the joining of yellow kung fu and black jokes as a marriage of convenience for box office profit in which the public supports this collaboration. Films such as Ru sh Hour contain jokes that include the common prevailing notions of Asians and blacks in American mass media, which would render yellow yellower and black blacker. However, this odd couple is able to blend with each other, creating a racial hybridity. Rush Hour focuses on the relationship between the Asian and African American stars; therefore, the film offers the likelihood of cross-racial identification. The article provides film theorists and scholars with new understandings of race-based comedy. Mas writings reinforce my thesis for the buddy-cop genre has a history of interracial partnerships where race is explicitly shown. Thus, besides validating racial differences, such films hybridize todays multicultural society. Nishime, LeiLani. Im Blackanese': Buddy-Cop Films, Rush Hour, and Asian American and African American Cross-racial Identification. Asian North American Identities: Beyond the Hyphen. Ed. Eleanor Ty and Donald C. Goellnicht. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2004. 43-60. Print. This expository piece, written by LeiLani Nishime Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications at the University of Washington who specializes in multiracial and interracial studies, Asian American media representations, and Asian American sub cultural production analyzes the history of Asian American and African American relations. The chapter explains how Rush Hour breaks the general conventions of a buddy-cop film and defies the norms of Hollywood film and generic character stereotype. She utilizes the film Rush Hour as an example for its portrayal of race relations with its removal of the white male character. By including Chan as well as Tucker, the film appeals to a wider range of audiences. The purpose is primarily to inform, but it also encourages the reader to examine certain films for comedic relief as well as social and cultural commentary. Rush Hour is a comedy yet it helps the audience to notice the concept of racial power. In most buddy-cop films, there is always someone in control and someone who is simply the follower. The white male will never be the buddy but with Chan and Tucker, they are almost equals. Nishime is most likely targeting Asian Americans because for an Asian American, America is characterized by both African American and Euro-American society. Rush Hour offers a vision of cross-racial identification and the idea of hybrid identities for there is a convergence of culture in music and film (48). This builds upon my thesis in that besides an acceptance of racially defined differences, race-based humor can provide a possible changing of racial hierarchy and the questioning of racial tolerance. Such a composition is more geared towards academia instead of garnering attention from the general public because it provides background information about Asian/Black relations, applies elevated language, and creates a possibility of a future state of relations. Park, Ji Hoon. Naturalizing Racial Differences Through Comedy: Asian Black, and White Views on Racial Stereotypes in Rush Hour 2. Journal of Communication 56 (2006): 157-177. International Communication Association. Web. 17 January 2011. This research article, written by Ji Hoon Park Assistant Professor in Communication at Hope College who specializes in Asian stereotypes in the media- analyzes the ideological implications of racial stereotyping. The article, which is a result of sociology study, explains that though minorities are starring in more mainstream films, a racial hierarchy is still evident. The study included a focus group of whites, black, and Asians in order to analyze subtle reactions and responses to the films implicit stereotypes. Minorities continue to inhibit negative stereotypes but the contradiction that arises is that these stereotypical portrayals have commercial viability. Rush Hour 2 is an example of this incongruity between racism in comedy and widespread popularity. Park discusses how the genre of comedy allows for its audience to make an interpretation of racial jokes as harmless for stereotypes are an important element of comedy in that they help establish specific character classificati ons that are based on some truth that has been exaggerated. This supports my thesis because I contend that race-based humor influences the audience to not challenge the established assumptions of race. His study supports this belief since the focus group was able to laugh throughout the entire movie. Most participants did not find the humor personally offensive but they do acknowledge that the racial humor has the possibility of becoming prejudiced. In comedy, Park notes that a joke is conceived of as racist based on whether a minority is telling it or a white person. Another aspect that creates success for this film is that all races are objects of mockery and bias. Parks conclusion is that racial stereotypes are problematic because realism in the media encourages viewers to incorporate on-screen attitudes and beliefs into the real world (172). Racial ideology is also embedded in Jackie Chans performance of the racial myth of an Asian man who excels in kung fu but is culturally ign orant as well as Chris Tucker personifying a coon (159). Furthermore, with the study, it becomes clear that the comedic portrayals of racial traits encourage participants to see the small truths in racially defined charactertistics rather than dispute these distortions. It does prompt the audience to consider that when viewing a comedy, critical analysis is usually absent and this can lead to a belief that racial differences are natural and not culturally created. Park is targeting teenagers and adults because they are able to apply actuality to racial myths and hence find amusement in the satirical portrayals of race. The anticipated audience could also include scholars since this composition was published in the Journal of Communication and scholars will be more interested in learning about the responses of black, white, and Asian viewers and how they make sense of racial differences. Rush Hour. Screenplay by Jim Kouf and Ross LaManna. Dir. Brett Ratner. Perf. Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. New Line Cinema, 1998. DVD. Rush Hour, directed by Brett Ratner one of Hollywoods most successful directors stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. It achieved commercial success and became the 7th top grossing film of 1998. The plot of the film centers on the kidnapping of the daughter of the Chinese Consol. Inspector Lee, played by Jackie Chan, is called to assist in the investigation because it is believed that the mysterious Crime Lord Juntao is behind the kidnapping. Lee finds himself paired with Detective James Carter of the Los Angeles Police Department, played by Chris Tucker. They gradually learn to work together and are able to reunite the family as well as discover the identity of Juntao. Rush Hour disrupts Hollywoods racial hierarchy by removing white culture and focusing on Asian American and African American culture. The film is able to break down the boundaries between races and reconstruct hierarchies, but the enjoyment of numerous racial ideologies that are integrated within the dialogue and scen es, prove that the jokes influence the audience to reify their own racial beliefs. The film gained positive reviews about Tuckers comedic performance and how Chan and Tucker work very well together. This fact supports my thesis of how race-based humor naturalizes racial differences, so the audience is more likely to focus on the true aspects of a stereotype instead of challenging the distorted portrayal. The positive reception proves that there is a paradox between racist representations and widespread approval and acceptance. The movie targets teenagers and adults because they have preconceived notions about different racial groups. Without these conceptions, the film would not be able to garner laughter but rather offense. Rush Hour 2. Screenplay by Jeff Nathanson and Ross LaManna. Dir. Brett Ratner. Perf. Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. New Line Cinema, 2001. DVD. Rush Hour 2, directed by Brett Ratner one of Hollywoods most successful directors stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. It received high box-office revenues and is considered one of the highest grossing martial arts films of all time. This sequel to the 1998 film Rush Hour follows Inspector Lee, played by Chan, and Los Angeles Police Detective James Carter, played by Tucker, and the adventures that they have. Carter is on vacation visiting Lee in Hong Kong, but they soon find themselves implicated in a scandal that involves counterfeit money, which brings them from Hong Kong to Los Angeles and then finally to Las Vegas. Although this movie is a comedic action film, it challenges typical Hollywood films by starring two minorities. While minorities have traditionally been casted in the roles of a sidekick or villain, Chan and Tucker are the main protagonists. By challenging the popular notion that the leading role features an individual from the dominant white race, Rush Hour 2 propose s the possibility of a cross-racial bonding between an Asian and an African American. Chan and Tucker both embody the stereotype of their particular race: Chan is a serious Asian man yet extremely skilled in Kung Fu, while Tucker is a tall African American who acts childish and seems very impulsive. To the everyday viewer, this movie serves as an entertaining comedy, but for such representations of race to be humorous, the audience must unconsciously accept or believe the stereotypes to be somewhat true. Thus, supporting my thesis that besides entertainment, the movie proves that race in comedy generalizes and influences people to accept racially defined characteristics. The movie targets teenagers and adults because it implies that a previous understanding of stereotypes is needed for the jokes to make sense and have their intended response, which is laughter. Global Strategic Management: Advantages and Disadvantages Global Strategic Management: Advantages and Disadvantages Strategic management is the process by which strategies and policies are put into action through the development of programs, budgets and procedures can be further explained that an organizations objectives must be identified in order to develop such policies and plans. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and executive team should implement such plans. Strategic Management provides overall direction to the whole enterprise. The organizations strategy must be appropriate for its resources, circumstances, and objectives. (Wheelen and Hunger 2006 p. 16.) Strategy can also be defined as the procedures involving development, drafting, implementation and assessment of multi functional decisions that are employed in an organization or firm so as it attains its short term and long term objectives, its the criteria used in specifying the firms mission, vision and developing of policies and plans and how to implement them with the goal of achieving the stipulated objectives. It further assigns r esources for implementation of policies, plans, projects and programs. Traditionally strategic management has been employed on a local basis where the objectives and plans are not global oriented, but lately the traditional concepts have been embraced in a global manner i.e. extending the skills in a world scale perspective. Global strategic management offers a clear insight on the effect of globalization in business management and organizations and hence it demands that managers should respond in the same or higher intensity in order to reap in the high benefits that come with it, Managers and CEOS have to understand that the global phenomenon does not just come into play by making your firm global but they are required to develop models that embraces and resists strains from multinational networks of subsidiaries and ensure the models considers the required persistence of deep and momentous cross – national differences with these in play and appreciation of the diversity that exists across borders and continents politically, culturally and economically Global Strategic management can be achieved and dividends passed on to the investors. Global strategic management involves a set on conceptual tools that help in navigating through the often contradictory and ambiguous mass of information, market, working staff and to sum it all up this all done and appreciated on an international platform. There exists a series of considerations that have to always be kept on the check and always be incorporated in the complex decision making procedures that characterizes this level of business management. Managers and business executives at this level have to appreciate the differences between the multi-domestic and global nature of running business at this level, traditional strategic management concepts which have proved successful in local setting have faced challenges on a global arena and given back futile results this in a way have led to extensive losses by the affected firms. With this in mind firms that are already running on a global setting or have this as a future goal have not only have or plan to have a solid global st rategic plan thats strictly tailored for the specific firm but have to in depth have a set of monitoring and evaluation criteria of exactly what type of global strategy is theirs and and will it earn them long-term profitability and value. Due to the nature and extent of running global firms many management techniques are to be employed, this have to easily integrate all the different departments in a synchronized and harmonious manner, this in itself boosts the overall management and performance of the firm. Global management requires employee management from the department heads to the lowest staff on the command chains where each and every staff of each firm has to have a clear definition and understanding of the companys objectives, mission and vision. While this is being done employees have to understand that with more powers comes extra responsibilities and hence part of the strategic management plans should involve sufficient management accountability, communications and oversight from the top executives and for this to be easily achieved and in a successful manner their responsibilities have to be broken down in processes and tasks that can be easily reflected in productivity and profitability terms. And to eas ily attain these and continuously motivate the employees in achievement of the overall company global objective direct communication channels should be created and lower placed staff should be encouraged to use the open communication means for the attainment of the goal and their role in it should be well appreciated. In addition since on a global perspective the employees base is wide and shares extreme cultural and relational ways of lives the global firms should be able to compliment this in their employees and not fight it this is an important motivational practice especially for the workers. Global firms need to also employ a detailed study research and SWOT (Strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, and this should be done not on their already existing markets but on a wider and more challenging global perspective. The strength of the firms in a global arena need to be analyzed and in them more research should be done in order to maximize on their potential so as to enjoy the full benefits of being a global firm. The weaknesses on the other hand should not at any time be pushed aside since they define the loophole if hit well can drain the company back to the ground, hence all the weak links should be investigated and be well covered in a strong strategic defence mechanism. On the other hand the opportunities that openly lie and exist in the strategic plans of the firm need to be intelligently harnessed or tapped and full benefit accrued from them. Lastly like in the local business management global arenas also exposes the business to threats which are even more complicated than the local ones, hence when developing the strategic plan for the wider market a deeper scan is mandatory and once all are identified ways of curbing them in case anything crops up need to be developed, this had to be carefully done though since one might by fear scare away for rucuitive opportunities by not risking. Some few changes also need to be considered when developing the global plan, increase in the number of staff in order to match the extensive work load that comes up with the global market, other mechanisms employed by firms is the change of brand names and adopting of new and re-branded tags that sell the firm as a global entity and is more convincing to the market. The marketing of the firm as a global entity also need to be done but extremely vigorous so as to expose the firm clearly to the markets especially the global market. Political differences and interferences have also been some of the most important factors for consideration in the development of a firms global strategic plans. The management has to take into consideration that the firms doesnt perform under similar political backgrounds and in each country they are involved the case is extremely unique and its specific conditions need to be considered and thought of completely carefully since the differences experienced from one country to the other are important. Some of the most successful global firms even go to the extent of exchanging favours for business favours this has proved important and successful to those firms. In their planning the forms also employ social procedures which they serve the local communities with and this increases their popularity. Competitive Tactics are also very important in global strategic management, even though the market increases with size, the players in the market also increase a firm need to develop means of staying afloat in the market. The tactics have to be modern enough and able to make the customers chose it over other competitors in the market. They should be tailored to each specific consumer in each country in a language, tone and tongue they understood. Advantages of global strategic management Lower marketing costs Economies of scale in production and distribution Ability to leverage good ideas quickly and efficiently Helps to encourage ancillary industries to be set up to cater fo Uniformity of marketing practices Power and scope Consistency in brand image Helps to establish relationships outside of the political arena From the above its clear that this and more benefits are obtained from global strategic plans and this can be easily seen from first the scope of the work the firm does, this brings in more returns from the economies of scale that can be obtained from this. They also encouraged interaction among other firms global ones and this opens up chances and experiences for expansion one firm is able to learn from another an hence improve on areas the firm was weak before. The extended demographic coverage done by this firms also makes them gain firsthand experience on handling large number of clientele, data, resources and hence from their large portfolios they can easily develop even to larger firms by expanding their global strategic plans. The advantages gained from management of a firm on a international perspective range all over business management, and if the opportunities are carefully taken and the risks technically mitigated against the success of any company on a global perspective is very imminent and should be pursued though carefully by any developing firm from any location on the globe. Disadvantages of global strategic management Differences in consumer response to marketing mix elements. Differences in consumer needs, wants, and usage patterns for different products. Differences in product placement at the market. Differences in administrative procedures of the company between different employees and the employer. Differences in the legal environment, some of which may conflict with those of the home market especially when dealing with countries in the developing world. Differences in brand and product development and the competitive environment. Differences in the institutions available, some of which may call for the creation of entirely new ones (e.g. infrastructure). In a case where the global recession affect the developed worlds like our country,this may greatly affect the strategic management of the companies and this in turn affect different branches of the same company in different parts of the world, this is a great disadvantage. Different parts of the world have different laws governing investment and some of the laws and rules are hard on the foreign investors,therefore creating a big setback to strategic management of the different companies. REFERENCES
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A Performance Management Overhaul for Wayne Farms
Case: â€Å"The Hunt for Seasonal Workers Crosses Boarders†Kaplan University AB203: Human Resources Management The Hunt for Seasonal Workers Crosses Borders High Sierra pools and Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs are in demand for seasonal workers when summer arrives. Unfortunately, the demands vs. supply of available workers are slim to none. Students are looking for â€Å"internships or jobs related to their career plan. †(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2009). Since these companies are not able to fill all available seasonal positions with H-2B visa workers, what other opportunities are available?Also included are a reflection of additional options, and other recruiting strategies available to these companies. It is unfortunate to see local students wanting to move away because they are not interested in the opportunities around them. If Broadmoor’s and High Sierra Pools are unable to fill all available positions with H-2b workers, they will need t o fill those positions in a timely fashion. Both companies should begin with forecasting; which is â€Å"the attempts to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict the areas within the organization where there will be labor shortages or surpluses. (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2009). By forecasting as the first step the companies can figure out exactly how many positions need to be filled. Some potential options for these company’s would be outsourcing, allowing overtime, hiring temporary contracted employees, and also improving technological equipment to assist in some positions within the company. Many of the ideas listed above could assist both companies recover from the inability to hire H-2B workers.I personally would start by looking to outsource the company’s seasonal postions. Outsourcing is defined as â€Å"Contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services†(Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerh art, & Wright, 2009). By having a group of trained professional’s to come in and work as independent contractors (IC) hired on a seasonal contract this would save time and hassle as well as a lot of money. Because these IC’s do not have employee status they do not qualify for benefits such as insurance and 401K plans.Another option would be to allow overtime to all employees who were interested in working or switch them from an hourly position to a salaried position so they could willingly earn more money by working more hours. The companies would not have to spend and waste money on training, interviewing, and more employees. High Sierra pools is in desperate need to hire a staff load of seasonal employees. They could push recruiting by possibly adding incentives such as an employee referral bonus. This way both parties aka employee/trainee would receive a bonus.They could also incorporate there job listing to many major websites such as Monster, Craigslist, and J obs. com. This would help them if they decided to bring on more employees. If High Sierra pools did not want to hire more people but needed to get work done they should allow employee to either A: switch to salary pay or B: allow overtime. This way they could utilize all employees available to the fullest. It is often hard to get accepted as an employer to gain access to H-2B workers. H-2B workers are only available until the cap of 66,000 is met each fiscal year according to the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS, 2012).Split in half for each half of the year, the hiring abilities is on a first come first serve basis. High Sierra Pools and Broadmoor’s have many different options available to find other ways to fill employee positions. Outsourcing would be one of the most convenient ways to take care of this because they would be doing the same thing if they hired foreign workers. References Noe, R. , Hollenbeck, J. , Gerhart, B. , & Wright, P. (2009). Fund amentals of human resource management, 3rd edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. USCIS. (2012, October 01). U. S. citizenship and immigration services. Retrieved from http://www. uscis. gov
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Modern History Essay on USA Civil Rights Movement Essay
In the USA from 1865, when slavery was abolished and African American people where supposedly considered separate but equal by the constitution, to the 1960s, when the African Americans where actually considered equal, segregation practises where being endorsed throughout the USA. Segregation was the practice of separating the white Americans and the African Americans. Segregation occurred when the white Americans continued their upper status on the previously enslaved African Americans, therefore maintaining the African Americans status of repression. However throughout the later 1950s to 1960s American went through the Civil Rights Movement, in which the African Americans aimed for a desegregated society that maintained equality. Throughout the Civil Rights Movement many non-violent protests were held creating direct confrontation urging changes to be made within segregated social areas. Therefore non-violent direct confrontation was the successful means which helped to end segregation practises in the USA. Non-violence was the concept of holding a protest that was peaceful and did not retaliate to violence that was likely to be present. The most successful aspect of these protests was direct confrontation. This was when the African Americans would directly break one of the rules in public segregation, causing direct friction within the segregated society, to push the boundaries in which African American people where confined. The confrontation along with the friction created by these peaceful protests predominantly concluded with change due to the persistence of the African Americans. Despite the escalating violence that was waiting at the majority of the African Americans protests they continued, fighting for their civil rights as humans. One of the most supported organisations for African Americans, by not only African Americans themselves but also white Americans in support of desegregation, was the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (the NAACP). As well one of the most historically supported leaders of the NAACP, Martin Luther King’s virtues for desegregation was non-violent protesting. The increasing levels of support for the NAACP helped create mass protest to which those higher up within the government would be forced into acting upon to eradicate the chance of the protest escalating into a violent scene caused by the white Americans. Therefore it is clearly evident that non-violent, direct confrontation was a marginally successful approach to the Civil Rights Movement. Throughout the Civil Rights Movement the media played a major role in the method of non-violence in the ending of segregation. Although the African Americans had a great dedication to their protests they would not have been as greatly supported through these protests without the media. Television station camera men, reporters and photographers, where able to capture the violence and abuse directed at the African American’s, thus demonstrating the resilience of the protesters. Furthermore showing the general American public that in these situations of protests the aggressors where the white Americans and the treatment of the African Americans were unjust. Not only was this evidence of repression upon the African Americans displayed amongst the American media but also global media. Therefore effecting America’s superior reputation amidst the Cold War, giving the current enemy reason as to why capitalism was potentially failing and to their acquainted supporters and potential supporters. This global recognition for a Civil Rights struggle gave motivation to politics to act upon this situation to maintain their global reputation. Therefore the recognition of the African Americans repression and unjust treatment was national and globally recognised, thus gaining support from white Americans after this realisation. Hence the global realisation of this unjust treatment emphasised the need of social change to the government therefore giving some explanation as to the equality that becomes desegregation. Many of the non-violent protests African Americans undertook where simple acts however they caused extravagant aggravation due to racist view that the superior percentage of Americans had grown up amongst. One of the protests conducted by seven African Americans and six white Americans was abruptly ended when bus companies refused to carry them on further through their journey as they were confronted with a brutal mob that violently physically abused them and destroyed the busses that carried them. This protest was the Freedom Rides, protesting to desegregate bus terminals and associated facilities. However other protest groups pushed forward with the Freedom Rides continuing the journey and withstanding the violence until significant action was taken by the government. The desegregation for bus terminal and associated facilities was finally arranged after a major uprise in support for these freedom Riders. Much alike the Freedom Rides, Lunch Counter Sit-Ins were a peaceful protest than ended the desegregation of lunch counters. It started with the simple act on February 4th with of four African American college students sitting at a Woolworths lunch counter until the stores closing after being refused serves due to their race. This protest escalated in size and expanded rapidly due to the support it received. Over 50,000 people participated in one or more of the sit in’s within a year in over 15 different states and various cities. Due to the size and direct confrontation of this protest, abuse and violence erupted in many of the Sit-Ins encouraging the government to desegregate to maintain the countries reputation. Thus although many of the protests conducted where simple acts of rebellion for the African Americans the persistence of them where found confronting to the white Americans therefore resulting in change. Further on during the Civil Rights Movement it became apparent that many other organisations for African Americans gained further support, this including the Muslim religion and in particular those surrounding Malcolm X. Although Malcolm X’s and Martin Luther King’s values for the equality of African Americans differ, their main aim was equality with the white Americans. Malcolm X supported maintaining the separation of the races where as King supported the integration of the races in an equal society. Malcolm X was an activist of the Muslim religion; he focused in eradicating the repression on the African Americans that was being held upon by the white Americans, much alike Martin Luther King. However they differ as King’s protests were supporting the integration of the races and living peacefully together, were as Malcolm believed in the maintaining of the separation of the races. However as history has proven within American prior to the late 1950s that separate is not equal, as much as that may be the aim. Hence it becomes evident that Malcolm X’s protests didn’t succeed in the equality of African American, whereas Martin Luther King’s non-violent protests to integrate proved very successful. Therefore throughout the Civil Rights Movement many different protests where held, and many different organisations where supported however the most successfully was non-violence. These non-violence tactics as stated earlier, where the most effective due to the media coverage, persistence of the large quantity and direct confrontation. Without these aspects the non-violence practices for ending segregation within the USA wold not have been as nearly as efficient. Thus using non-violent methods as a means for ending segregation within the USA proved to be highly successful.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Barosaurus - Facts and Figures
Barosaurus - Facts and Figures Name: Barosaurus (Greek for heavy lizard); pronounced BAH-roe-SORE-us Habitat: Plains of North America Historical Period: Late Jurassic (155-145 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 80 feet long and 20 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Extremely long neck and tail; tiny head; relatively slender build About Barosaurus A close relative of Diplodocus, Barosaurus is virtually indistinguishable from its harder-to-pronounce cousin, save for its 30-foot-long neck (one of the longest of any dinosaur, with the exception of the eastern Asian Mamenchisaurus). Like the other sauropods of the late Jurassic period, Barosaurus wasnt the brainiest dinosaur that ever livedits head was unusually small for its massive body, and easily detached from its skeleton after deathand it probably spent its entire life foraging the tops of trees, protected from predators by its sheer bulk. The sheer length of Barosaurus neck raises some interesting questions. If this sauropod reared up to its full height, it would have been as tall as a five-story buildingwhich would have placed enormous demands on its heart and overall physiology. Evolutionary biologists have calculated that the ticker of a such a long-necked dinosaur would have had to weigh a whopping 1.5 tons, which has prompted speculation about alternate body plans (say, additional, subsidiary hearts lining Barosaurus neck, or a posture in which Barosaurus held its neck parallel to the ground, like the hose of a vacuum cleaner). One interesting, and little-known, fact about Barosaurus is that two women were involved in its discovery, at a time when American paleontology was in the grips of the testosterone-fueled Bone Wars. The type specimen of this sauropod was discovered by the postmistress of Pottsville, South Dakota, Ms. E.R. Ellerman (who subsequently alerted the Yale paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh), and a South Dakota landowner, Rachel Hatch, guarded the remainder of the skeleton until it was eventually excavated, years later, by one of Marshs assistants. One of the most famous reconstructions of Barosaurus resides in the American Museum of Natural History in New York, where an adult Barosaurus rears up on its hind legs to defend its young from an approaching Allosaurus (one of this sauropods natural antagonists during the late Jurassic period). The trouble is, this posture would almost certainly have been impossible for the 20-ton Barosaurus; the dinosaur would probably have toppled over backward, broken its neck, and nourished that Allosaurus and its packmates for an entire month!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Violence in America †What it has shown me
Violence in America – What it has shown me Free Online Research Papers Violence in America is growing and it surprisingly is more prevalent in families rather than with strangers. Many causes of this are environmental problems that are causing stress between family members and are causing animosity. Violence seems to be an effect of some risk factors that put people in the line of having more of a chance of domestic violence in their homes. Although we are developed country we have just as much violence here as third world nations. Violence is causing so many homes to break up, people to get hurt, children to lose parents, and lives to be lost that there must be something that our society can do. Three articles from this class have also shown me how violence can change a family, person and society. The first article is â€Å"The Christmas Present,†by Caridad Souza, this is a heartbreaking story about a family ripped apart by violence on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve these children are left with their drunk Uncle and he tries to take advantage of one of the younger girls and instead of just being bystanders her siblings fight for her to keep her innocence. So they embark on this bloody battle against a man much bigger, stronger, and at times smarter. But they succeed and their young sister is not robbed of her innocence but they all have now witnessed violence first hand and what the effects are on children especially. This story is so sad because when the father gets home he blames the whole thing on the mother instead of being happy that his children are a little beaten but ok. Violence is a tricky thing because it creeps into usually happy families that are just down on hard times or are having a rough year. It prays on those who have more risk factors and exp loit them. Violence happens in any kind of family though no matter how much money, material goods, or kids they have. These kids have no witnessed first hand violence and it probably has had some major effect on them and unfortunately they probably will not get treated like they need to for psychological reasons. Violence like this happens frequently in high risk families. The next article is, â€Å"Notes on Oppression and Violence,†by Aleticia Tyerina, which is about that because of her race she is full of hate and violence. This story was great in my opinion because in the end she has a resolution that she should not fill her life full of hate and violence because she is disadvantaged. Her life before this resolution was filled with hate and violence because she was treated differently because of her skin color and she felt oppressed and by being hateful and violent she was releasing her anger. Although, this seemed to help at first she later realized that nothing will change if she cannot see past her hate and anger and she is only oppressing herself as well. This was such a step forward for her because I know if I was in that situation I would have a hard time pushing away all my anger and not taking my anger out and being violent. Violence is an escape for many people that are poor, unemployed, unhappy, and oppressed because really to fight back there aren’t many options but giving up violence is one of those. She escaped the trap that violence can put a person in, it can make great people go bad even for just a few minutes. This story though is inspiring for anyone who feels that violence is their last resort, their only answer. The last article is, â€Å"The Uses of Anger,†by Audre Lorde, this article is about how much anger that oppressed groups of people have to deal with daily. She takes a very different route in this article because she explains that anger for women of color can be very useful. It can help them keep going in life and propel them to never give up. She talks only of anger which is great because we know that she is not suggesting violence and when anger is used right it can change people, the world, or society. Anger is a way out for some women of color because their lives are so hard and by putting their anger out there they can identify it, see it, and maybe do something about it. Violence here is not even an answer because that does not lead to any change only hurt and terrible consequences. Research Papers on Violence in America - What it has shown meEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenCapital PunishmentRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraWhere Wild and West MeetQuebec and CanadaThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Effects of Illegal Immigration
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