Monday, May 25, 2020
Imperialism An Age Of Colonization For European Countries
Imperialism Essay The Age of Imperialism was an age of colonization for European countries. It began in the mid-1800s and ended in the early twentieth century. The most powerful countries of Europe raced to conquer and change the government, economic system, and social ways of Asian and African territories. But imperialism wasn t wonderful, especially for the colonies. Innocent people were enslaved, forced to work all day long under no other options. Resources were exploited, stolen from people who couldn t defend themselves from powerful new European weapons. Valuable cultures diminished as foreign lands took over and changed intriguing and unique languages and religions. Sickness spread to natives who hadn t built up the immunity to deadly diseases. Slavery began to appear. The Age of Imperialism was still after the Atlantic Slave Trade, but the Europeans still used slaves for money. Many slaves were exported to the Americas, mostly from Africa. Free labor for them developed, but it wasn t good. Salaries should have been given to the poor workers who worked diligently in fear. This encouraged more slavery in the years to come afterwards. And yes, mother countries did bring education, and it did spread to these colonies without a form of education. But slaves didn t get the education. They learned about aching backs and how to work like dogs from dawn to dusk under threat of the wicked, merciless whip. Stealing seemed to become a pastime for the invaders. ValuableShow MoreRelatedEuropean Imperialism - Dbq Essay804 Words  | 4 Pagesthe history of the world, imperialism has played a major role. Imperialism is one country’s complete domination of the political, economic, and social life of another country. Imperialism has many positive and negative effects. The Age of Imperialism is considered 1800 - 1914. During this time Europe became a major world leader. European countries set up colonies all over Africa, Latin America, and Asia, and encouraged their citizens to populate them. European imperialism boosted Europe’s economyRead MoreEconomic Imperialism and Colonial Control in Canada1363 Words  | 5 PagesEconomic Imperialism and Colonial Control in Canada Abstract Economic imperialism plays an important role in colonization. The goal of this paper is to discuss the colonial control of Canada and how economics played an important role in dispossession of indigenous people of Canada. The negative impact of economic imperialism included loss of land, disrupted communities and exploitation of natural resources. In all cases, Canadian natives had to suffer the consequences of colonization and economicRead MoreThe Age of Reason Essay921 Words  | 4 PagesCesaire’s essay deals with the European hypocrisy that has existed for many years throughout European history. Cesaire studied liberal ideas that had sprouted in the Enlightenment period or the Age of Reason, a time where many new ideas sprang up. Reason was used to guide the actions of people and nations; no longer was religion the main force. Science became extremely important because it provided answers to questions. With the Enlightenment came ideas of liberalism. Before the Age of Re ason monarchies governedRead MoreThe Age of Imperialism Essay1573 Words  | 7 PagesImperialism was a time period in which more developed nations colonized less developed nations. The developed nations took advantage of the less developed nations resources, people, lands, and much more. Many countries lost their freedom and independence due to imperialism, however, they also received new technologies and innovations. Since there were many nations involved, there were many attributes that led up to imperialism. Firstly, the Europeans wanted economic expansion. Since the industrialRead MoreImperialism Dbq Ap European History846 Words  | 4 PagesBetween the period from 1880 to 1914, European powers went after overseas empires in Africa. The governments and political leaders of the European powers believed that this colonization of the African empires was necessary to maintain their global influence. A second group of people supposed that African colonization was the result of the greedy Capitalists who \only cared for new resources and markets. The third group of people claimed it to be their job to enlighten and educate the uncivilizedRead MoreImperialism as a Source of Many Conflicts throughout History658 Words  | 3 PagesImperialism a source of most if not all conflicts throughout history. No matter the century or time period, the start of all wars, battles, and conflicts all draw thei r roots back to imperialism. Imperialism have had great impacts on nations and brought many changes to societies and their cultures. It has impacted on people lives and how they live. It has affected our societies to this day and shaped or helped create foundations for our countries and cultures that we have today. Imperialism beganRead MoreEssay on Imperialism: From Europe to The West1514 Words  | 7 PagesEarly in the twentieth century, imperialism was brought up by European powers of the time; Germany, Great Britain, France, and Russia. These nations were after raw materials in Asia, Africa, and South America and when they realize that they could not retrieve it, they began to colonize smaller counties that contain the many resources they need and used it for their benefit. Western values played a big part in European imperialism. European civilization experienced a period of extraordinary rapidRead MoreEffects of Industrialization and Imperialism Essay1567 Words  | 7 P agesWORLD HISTORY RESEARCH PAPER Effects of Industrialization and Imperialism Unit 6: Imperialism World History Honors / Block #6 Due: April 16, 2013 Therefore, one must understand how throughout the times of Imperialism, and Industrial Revolution, aspects such as working conditions, population expansion and colonial enhancement prove why advancements were beneficial to the modern world in the long run. â€Æ' The Industrial Revolution marked a time in history when advancements in technologyRead MoreThe New World During The European Age Of Exploration Essay1615 Words  | 7 PagesWorld†during the European Age of Exploration. It is considered just a subsection of the Columbian Exchange (a term coined by Alfred Crosby as well), which denotes the exchange of a number of varied items between Europe and the New World after 1492, including infectious diseases like smallpox, chicken pox, the plague, yellow fever, and the flu (Marr, Cathey 2010), but it seems that it could be and vital aspect of understanding how Europe and America existed and developed during the Age of ExplorationRead MoreUnderlying Causes of WWI Essay644 Words  | 3 Pagesand Empires that slaughtered over people stems from a chronological progression of ambitious Imperialism, extreme Nationalism, and rapid Militarism. The first idea, Imperialism, began an ideal that would begin pitting European nations at each other’s throats. The biggest and most audacious Imperialistic movements of the time lie in the Scramble for Africa, where first-world nations began colonization of Africa to increase their markets, land, and raw material possession (Various - Document P)
Friday, May 15, 2020
Marketing Research - 23689 Words
Which of the following professional organizations serves the marketing research industry? A. Marketing Research Association The marketing research industry has a certification program for marketing researchers and this certification program is hosted by: D. Marketing Research Association (MRA) Which of the following best illustrates the Service-Dominant Logic for Marketing? A. Decision makers should know their firms core competencies. One of the implications discussed by your textbook authors is that the Service Dominant Logic for Marketing means: A. that more information will be needed Companies which have consistent product and service failures: D. seem to hear the voice of the consumer The†¦show more content†¦Answer: TRUE 26) Marketing is a part of, or a subcategory of, marketing research. Answer: FALSE 27) The Service-Dominant Logic for Marketing means marketing decision makers will need less information in the future. Answer: FALSE 28) Coca-Cola Blak is a huge suc cess because it gives consumers a two for one benefit: they can have coffee and their soda at the same time. Answer: FALSE 29) Other names for The Marketing Concept are consumer -oriented or market-driven. Answer: TRUE 30) A definition of marketing strategy is: a planned design to reach the largest portion of the market by leveraging the benefits of both low marketing costs and promotion using the mass media to reach the largest audience. Answer: FALSE 31) In order to implement the right strategy, managers must make many decisions, and they must have objective, accurate, and timely information in order to make these decisions correctly. Answer: TRUE 32) Once objective, accurate, and timely information is provided to managers to allow them to implement the correct strategy, there is no future need for information. Answer: FALSE 33) Marketing research is the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing pro blem. Answer: TRUE 34)Show MoreRelated Marketing Research Essay3363 Words  | 14 PagesMarketing Research 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sasel Research has developed a research proposal for Epic Developers to investigate the needs and wants when buying inner-city luxury apartments. The information that we collect will determine the advertising strategies that will be employed. Background information must be considered before research design and data collection methods are implemented. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ethics, Counseling, And Counseling Practice - 891 Words
At some point in counseling, counselors will be faced with the decision to proceed in an ethical manner when situations arise. In spite of personal opinions, the use of ethical practice provides guidance, balance, and integrity in the counseling field. The use of the Gallagher survey reported deficiencies in counseling practice centers â€Å"between 1986 and 2008 where a total of 86 counseling centers had been the target of at least one lawsuit or another legal challenge due to unethical practices†(Affsprung, 2010, p. 133). In the counseling practice, Therapists can seek to gratify themselves when helping others rather than choosing to operate within a professional standard of boundaries. Therefore, adhering to ethics is vital in counseling because they provide the structural process in â€Å"defining the profession in a changing world that unifies therapists, gives methodologies for practice, and extends and invitation for therapist to work together while providing the very best care for clients†(Hendricks, 2008, p. 259 ). Ethical Responsibility Organizations such as the American Counseling Association (ACA), and the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA), lay the foundation for ethical strategies in the counseling culture. When therapists, leaders, or counselors exercise self-awareness, and are knowledgeable about ethical standards, clients are in a better position to overcome obstacles whether in group or individual counseling . Jacobs, Schimmel, Masson, andShow MoreRelatedCode of Ethics Essay1288 Words  | 6 PagesCode of Ethics Comparison Paper Melissa J. Diehl Liberty University September 2, 2012 Abstract Different organizations are driven by specific sets of code of ethics, which are used to protect many different aspect of the organizations, specifically the client, counselor, and organization. Concerning the standards of a counselor, their ethics are not only provided by the laws of the state or theirRead MoreEthics And Code Of Ethics1359 Words  | 6 Pagesopinions however, a code of ethics will individualize these professionals and set standards. By making yourself aware of the differences, communication can become easier between employees of various backgrounds. Two particular organizations to compare may include the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics and National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. To address the similarities and differences of the two organizations, it’s important to know what a code of ethics represents. An overallRead MoreEthical Case Study Of The Case Of James A 25 Years Old Caucasian Female Intern1539 Words  | 7 PagesEthical Case Study Analysis Paper In the case study of James a 25 years old Caucasian male intern counseling student, who is interning with the college counseling center at a local university, James have nine months left upon graduation; he admits to having no clinical experience and no experience working with diversity groups. During James internship arrival he recognized a familiar face that was identified as his ex-friend who he has not seen in years and she is the clinical supervisor for theRead MoreThe Scope Of Competency For Counseling Psychologists1131 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract This paper explores the difference between the scope of practice and the scope of competency of psychology subfields. This paper also elaborates on examples of professional fields in relation to scope of practice and scope of competency. Included research helps identify and elaborate more specifically on counseling psychologists and how the code of ethics is applied. The scope of practice for counseling psychologists includes helping individuals explore and recognize his/her strengths andRead MoreEthical issues in counseling Practice Essay775 Words  | 4 Pages Ethical issues In Counseling Practice Ethics are a vital component of Counseling. It helps keep Professional Counselors accountable to their clients, and to the state board. Let’s first start with the definition of ethics†Are guidelines or rules set by a governing body or society.. Ethics are important because it helps the Counselor think in reference of how well can he or she perform their duties. Ethics have many reasons to existsRead MoreThe American Counseling Association ( Aca ) Essay1276 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Counseling Association (ACA) developed the code of ethics with six principles in mind that they thought were the foundation for ethical behavior and decision making: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity and veracity (American Counseling Association, 2014). This lead to the six different purposes for the code of ethics. First, it sets ethical obligations and ethical guidance for professional counselors (American Counseling Association, 2014). Second, it r ecognizesRead MoreLegal Ethical Issues with Advertising and Online Counseling1385 Words  | 6 Pagesthe field of counseling, phones, fax machines, copiers, and computers are all used to run everyday operations and transfer information. Despite how great technology can be, ethical issues can arise because of it. For example, talking on the phone with a client in a crisis situation can create a condition in which confidentiality can be breeched. (McMinn, 1999). One new way in which technology has been used to extend the services of the counseling field is through online counseling. According toRead MoreClinical Supervision in Counseling Essay1266 Words  | 6 Pages Even long standing professionals in the field of counseling continually seek supervision. When confronted with difficult ethical decision making and unique situations in its best to gain an outside objective viewpoints. In reference to the case study, there are plenty of ethical dilemmas and unethical decisions made by Joe and his supervisor. It is clear their personal values differ from those who choose to follow ethical codes in counseling. The APA and ACA’s ethical standards and codes haveRead MoreWhat Does Diversity Do With Ethics?1075 Words  | 5 PagesWhat Does Diversity Have to Do with Ethics? When contemplating the subject of diversity in relation to ethics, several questions may arise for the first-year counseling student. These inquiries may be broad or rather specific. Primarily, one may wonder if the topic of diversity itself is such a significant subject that it is outlined in a code of ethics. Secondarily, if diversity is addressed, is it treated as a singular subject or broadly covered under an umbrella of principles? ConsequentlyRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics And Ethics975 Words  | 4 PagesPeople of different professions consult with their respective code of ethics when they feel guidance is necessary. As a counselor, regardless of our specific track, we may find ourselves referring to the American Counseling Association’s (ACA) Code of Ethics (2014). I feel the existence of a code of ethics provides the necessary guidelines and justification when things are ambiguous. It serves the purpose of keeping things under control and within limits by minimizin g the amount of harm received
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Summary for Reflection and Possible Outcomes - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theSummary for Reflection and Possible Outcomes. Answer: Action research: an approach to student work based learning Action research is defined as an inquiry for taking action. In other words, action research is a scholarly approach which puts deep influence on the teaching and learning process. In this regards, the article is going to understand an action research method on specified organisations for the job aspirants. It can be argued that Action research is an effective framework in order to analyse various level of learning process. According to the author an action research will be helpful for job seekers to get a glimpse of the characteristics of the companies in which they get job. In fact, Action research is related to a number of concept and methods regarding research theory, design, reflection and possible outcomes. This understanding in later provides them a clear picture of the challenges and advantages regarding the organisation. In response to this the article prescribed a series of action research managements which can be able to provide learning process for the students and aspirant job seekers. However, the three category action research methodology is very significant which is considered to be the purest form of action research. Action research is strictly put its focus on a correlation between action and research and builds a strong connection between the researcher and client. Furthermore, the Kurt Lewins theory on decision making supports the researching process so intrinsically that it will help to figure out the proper conclusion. In addition to this, the action research cycle has been implemented which is consisted of four main stages including one preliminary stage. Furthermore, the output of the action research cycle is supported by a meta-learning procedure. The meta-learning mechanism is associated with experience, reflection and interpretation which are deeply associated with the organisationa l behaviour and change management. Having relevance with the students response while going for a new job, this article ventilates the possible scenario which a student will face. Besides this, the article illustrates the research methodology for the student learning procedure. In addition to this, the action research methodology is highly reflected the insights of organisational culture. As a result of that, it is able to produce valuable information regarding threats to the researchers or various members of the organisation. In order to start the research it is imperative for the researcher to take some necessary steps such as keeping journals full of events related to the research. Besides this, it is important to execute the dual role efficiently. Role duality means the person plays two roles, one is in terms of employee and another is associated with the researching process. The final factor is belonged to managing politics in workplace. Hence, to make a clear understanding it is imperative for the researchers to set up a number of relationships across the organisation. In response to this, it can be stated that the relationship can be developed in different levels of organisational hierarchy. However, it is very essential for the researcher to priorit ize various kinds of relationship and utilize it accordingly. Moreover, there should be a proper guideline for conducting a political process associated with the action research. It is combined with the interests of the shareholders, management interactivity in order to maintain a good workplace environment and the organisational networks. The ethical issues have a close relation with both personal and organisational sphere. It is evident for the researcher to address all these necessary factors which are able to supply impetus to the research project. It can be estimated that the action research program is primary used in educational sector. However, it is also relevant in analysing the learning process for students in working environment. Therefore, in a conclusion it can be argued that action research is a dynamic concept with a series of learning mechanism. It is very important for the student to have clear idea about the required action research technique. In this context, the essay provides a transparent depiction of action research and its multi-faceted techniques based on work based learning. Reference Rowley, J. (2003). Action research: an approach to student work based learning.Education+ Training,45(3), 131-138.
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